Great Dictionary of PolishOabject LanguagePolishMETALANGAUGEPolishGENREGeneral dictionars
Dictionars oan special topics
Dictionars oan special topics are dictionars whit focus oan a specific subset o the vocabulary such as new wirds or phrasal verbs or whit focus oan a specific dialect or variant o a language.
Geographical Dictionary of the Polish Kingdom and Other Slavic CountriesOabject LanguagePolishMETALANGAUGEPolishGENREDictionars oan special topics
The great PWN spelling dictionary with spelling and punctuation rulesOabject LanguagePolishMETALANGAUGEPolishGENRESpelling dictionaries
Historical dictionars
Historical dictionars are dictionars whit document previous historical states o the language.
Electronic Dictionary of the 17th and 18th-century PolishOabject LanguagePolishMETALANGAUGEPolishGENREHistorical dictionars, General dictionars