Great Dictionary of PolishOBJECT LANGUAGEPolishMETALANGUAGEPolishGENREGeneral dictionaries
Dictionaries on special topics
Dictionaries on special topics are dictionaries that focus on a specific subset of the vocabulary (such as new words or phrasal verbs) or which focus on a specific dialect or variant of the language.
Geographical Dictionary of the Polish Kingdom and Other Slavic CountriesOBJECT LANGUAGEPolishMETALANGUAGEPolishGENREDictionaries on special topics
Electronic Dictionary of the 17th and 18th-century PolishOBJECT LANGUAGEPolishMETALANGUAGEPolishGENREHistorical dictionaries, General dictionaries