

Oabject Language
The language the dictionar describes; the language the dictionar is aboot
The language in which the dictionar gies definitions an explanations. If the same as oabject language, then the dictionar is monolingual. If different the dictionar is bilingual
Whit kinna dictionar are ye luikin fur?
General dictionars
General dictionars are dictionars that document contemporary vocabulary an are intendit for everyday reference by native and fluent speakers.
Dictionary of the Russian Language Oabject Language Russian METALANGAUGE Russian GENRE General dictionars http://feb-web.ru/feb/mas/mas-abc/default.asp
Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language (Ushakov Dictionary) Oabject Language Russian METALANGAUGE Russian GENRE General dictionars http://ushakovdictionary.ru/
Dictionary of the Russian Language (Ozhegov) Oabject Language Russian METALANGAUGE Russian GENRE General dictionars http://slovarozhegova.ru
Portals an aggregators
Portals an aggregators are websites that provide access tae mair nor yin dictionar an allow ye tae luik at thaim aw at yince.
Spelling dictionaries
Spelling dictionaries are dictionaries which codify the correct spelling and other aspects of the orthography of words.
Russian Spelling Dictionary Oabject Language Russian METALANGAUGE Russian GENRE Spelling dictionaries https://orfo.ruslang.ru/abc
Etymological dictionars
Etymological dictionars are dictionars whit explain the origins o wirds.
Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Oabject Language Russian METALANGAUGE Russian GENRE Etymological dictionars http://vasmer.slovaronline.com/
Historical dictionars
Historical dictionars are dictionars whit document previous historical states o the language.
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