
Scottish Gaelic

The language the dictionary describes; the language the dictionary is about.
The language in which the dictionary gives definitions and explanations. If same as object language, then the dictionary is monolingual. If different, then the dictionary is bilingual.
What kind of dictionary are you looking for?
General dictionaries
General dictionaries are dictionaries that document contemporary vocabulary and are intended for everyday reference by native and fluent speakers.
OBJECT LANGUAGE Scottish Gaelic METALANGUAGE Scottish Gaelic, English GENRE General dictionaries https://www.faclair.com
Etymological dictionaries
Etymological dictionaries are dictionaries that explain the origins of words.
OBJECT LANGUAGE Scottish Gaelic METALANGUAGE English, Irish GENRE Etymological dictionaries http://www.ceantar.org/Dicts/MB2/
Historical dictionaries
Historical dictionaries are dictionaries that document previous historical states of the language.
Dictionary of the Scottish Gaelic Language OBJECT LANGUAGE Scottish Gaelic METALANGUAGE English GENRE Historical dictionaries, General dictionaries http://www.faclair.ac.uk/
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