

Oabject Language
The language the dictionar describes; the language the dictionar is aboot
The language in which the dictionar gies definitions an explanations. If the same as oabject language, then the dictionar is monolingual. If different the dictionar is bilingual
Whit kinna dictionar are ye luikin fur?
Terminological dictionaries
Terminological dictionaries describe the vocabulary of specialized domains such as biology, mathematics or economics.
Geiriadur Rhywogaethau / A Dictionary of Species
Oabject Language Welsh METALANGAUGE Welsh, English GENRE Dictionars oan special topics, Terminological dictionaries https://www.llennatur.cymru/Y-Bywiadur
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Terms for Higher Education
Oabject Language Welsh METALANGAUGE Welsh, English GENRE Terminological dictionaries https://colegcymraeg.ac.uk/termau/
Y porth i adnoddau Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru / Portal for the Welsh Government Translation Service’s resources
Oabject Language Welsh METALANGAUGE Welsh, English GENRE Terminological dictionaries https://llyw.cymru/bydtermcymru
Welsh National Terminology Portal
Oabject Language Welsh METALANGAUGE Welsh, English GENRE Terminological dictionaries, Portals an aggregators http://termau.cymru
Standardized terminology for the field of education
Oabject Language Welsh METALANGAUGE Welsh, English GENRE Terminological dictionaries http://www.termiaduraddysg.org/
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