Dictionars oan special topics are dictionars whit focus oan a specific subset o the vocabulary such as new wirds or phrasal verbs or whit focus oan a specific dialect or variant o a language.
elexiko: Online dictionary for contemporary GermanOabject LanguageGermanMETALANGAUGEGermanGENREDictionars oan special topicshttp://www.owid.de/wb/elexiko/start.html
Discourse dictionary of the 1967/68 protest discourseOabject LanguageGermanMETALANGAUGEGermanGENREDictionars oan special topicshttp://www.owid.de/wb/disk68/start.html
Dictionary of keywords in language use 1989/90Oabject LanguageGermanMETALANGAUGEGermanGENREDictionars oan special topicshttp://www.owid.de/wb/swwz/start.html