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Oabject Language
The language the dictionar describes; the language the dictionar is aboot
The language in which the dictionar gies definitions an explanations. If the same as oabject language, then the dictionar is monolingual. If different the dictionar is bilingual
Whit kinna dictionar are ye luikin fur?
ISLEX-ordbogen ISLEX-ordboka ISLEX-projektet ISLEX-sanakirja The ISLEX Dictionary Oabject Language Icelandic METALANGAUGE Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Faroese GENRE General dictionars http://islex.is
The Danish Dictionary. Contemporary Danish language
Oabject Language Danish METALANGAUGE Danish GENRE General dictionars http://ordnet.dk/ddo
Latinsk-Dansk Ordbog
Oabject Language Latin METALANGAUGE Danish GENRE General dictionars https://latinskordbog.dk/
Dictionary of the dialects of Jutland Oabject Language Danish METALANGAUGE Danish GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.jyskordbog.dk
Danish etymological dictionary Oabject Language Danish METALANGAUGE Danish GENRE Etymological dictionars http://runeberg.org/danetym/
Oabject Language Danish METALANGAUGE Danish GENRE Historical dictionars https://gammeldanskordbog.dk/
Oabject Language Icelandic METALANGAUGE English, Danish GENRE Historical dictionars https://onp.ku.dk/onp/onp.php
Dictionary of the Danish Language
Oabject Language Danish METALANGAUGE Danish GENRE Historical dictionars http://ordnet.dk/ods
Dictionary of the older Danish Language (1300-1700)
Oabject Language Danish METALANGAUGE Danish GENRE Historical dictionars http://kalkarsordbog.dk/forside
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